Registered in Pakistan in 1991
Special Status ECOSOC UN New York 2012

World Welfare Association Pakistan
World welfare Association is non formal and not for profit organization (NGO) which was established in 1991. Association is registered as per ordinance 1961 laid down wide government of Punjab (Pakistan) 181/DDFW/FSD191 dated June 05, 1991.World Welfare Association is one of its natures in serving the humanity. WWA has ethical values those reflect in its practices. Its main purposes to serve the people as this is duty of those peoples, who have empowerment to do something better for others. This organization is trying its best to do the job well. World welfare association is guiding the people to choose the better way of living. Since 1991 organization is working with devotion, Free Education, Health service by implementations of Medical camps, free dispensaries for the deserving peoples. The organization also helps the poor, at the time of marriage of their daughters in shape of money and dowry.